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健康 & 除了

Overcoming the Stigma for 男人 Seeking 男人tal Health Care



Graphic depicting man in suit carrying mental health weight on shoulders.

当我们庆祝时 男性健康月 in June, it is easy to focus on all the ways to improve physical health. However, mental health care also deserves consideration. 就像我们的身体健康, 心理健康是一个连续统一体, and there can be times when life stressors overwhelm our ability to cope.

While the past few years have brought increased awareness of the importance of mental health, there is still a significant amount of stigma, particularly as it relates to men seeking help. 研究 indicates that because of societal definitions of masculinity, men may not seek help for fear of being perceived as weak or overly sensitive.

在我们的社会中,它通常是 more socially acceptable for women to express certain emotions, such as sadness, without fear of judgment. 男人, 另一方面, often get the message that they should “man up,这是有害的,适得其反. 遵从这种刻板的性别角色, men may unconsciously suppress their feelings or avoid talking about them, 它可以 contribute to mental health symptoms or risky behavior.

BIPOC的人(黑人), 土著, and other people of color) population and the LGBTQ+ community face additional pressures such as discrimination, 系统性的不平等, and social injustices that can have a tremendous and long-term impact on their mental health. Additionally, the lack of access to high-quality, safe, and supportive services is discouraging.

在法律界, professionals needing mental health assistance may fear that seeking help will negatively impact their careers (i.e., 终止), 干扰他们被禁止的能力, and result in negative perceptions from colleagues or supervisors.

埃里克•韦伯, Legal Professionals Program coordinator at Caron Treatment Center, is familiar with the pressures legal professionals face. “我们都希望得到答案. We’re all expected to take care of people at their worst, so we must be at our best. If we don’t do a great job, we feel like we fail people, and sometimes their lives are on the line. There is little room for error, and when there is error, it’s not taken well,” Webber says.

When individuals ignore the warning signs of a mental health crisis, the toll can be catastrophic. 没有治疗干预, mental health issues in men can manifest into anger management problems, 人际关系的挑战, 以及与药物有关的成瘾性疾病, 酒精, 和赌博. According to the National Institute of 男人tal Health, men in the United States die by suicide at a rate four times higher than women despite being diagnosed with depression and other 情绪 disorders at lower rates than women.

When we realize we need help, knowing where to turn can be one of the biggest obstacles. Seeking support from people and places that we trust is human nature. If you are concerned about someone close to you, Webber recommends breaking the ice by talking to them. Because it can be scary to raise health concerns, 即使和朋友在一起, Webber suggests starting the conversation by making a nonjudgmental observation first, 其次是温柔, 支持问题. For example, you could say, “It seems like you have struggled lately; you haven’t been yourself. 你有什么想说的吗? Would you be open to talking with a counselor? 有什么我能帮忙的吗?”

As a close friend or family member of a man who is experiencing mental health challenges, 你有能力提供帮助. 通过关注 行为的改变, 情绪, 和/或演讲, you may be the first person to notice when the man you care about is having a hard time. You can be the bridge for them to get help.

If you want to learn more about men’s mental well-being, please join the D.C. 澳门赌场官网援助计划 for the webinar “An Honest Conversation 关于 男人’s 男人tal Health” on 6月11日星期二下午2点.m.

If there is someone in your life struggling with mental health issues and you don’t know how to start the conversation, 请联系D.C. 澳门赌场官网援助计划 (电子邮件保护). 我们是来帮忙的.

Jessie Joachim is senior counselor for the D.C. 澳门赌场官网援助计划.

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