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Washington Lawyer 是哥伦比亚特区澳门赌场官网协会的获奖官方出版物吗. Published six times a year as a member benefit, Washington Lawyer 在华盛顿特区拥有超过101,000名澳门赌场官网和其他法律专业人士.C., and beyond. 该杂志以法律和实践方面的前沿内容为特色, 提供本地和国际法律发展的见解, in-depth analysis of substantive law, practical tools and resources, 并深入探讨广大读者感兴趣的问题. Washington Lawyer communicates important developments at the D.C. 并支持该组织的核心目标,即提高诉诸司法的机会, improve the legal system, and empower lawyers to achieve excellence. First published in 1976, Washington Lawyer is available in print and electronic format at

Washington Lawyer welcomes submissions from D.C. Bar members, journalists, 以及其他法律界人士,希望分享他们在法律相关主题方面的专业知识. 文章必须是原创的,以前未发表过,并独家为D.C. Bar.

The Bar will not publish articles that resort to personal attacks against members of the bar or the judiciary; are overly self-promotional or one-sided; are written for the purpose of airing personal issues or grievances about a particular person, office, or organization; or run counter to the Bar’s stated mission, purpose, or values.

为保证准确性,本行保留修改所有资料的权利, length, clarity, organization, and style. 接受提交是在编辑的自由裁量权和/或 Washington Lawyer Advisory Board.

Email content pitches and article submissions to [email protected]. All submissions must be in Microsoft Word, single spaced.

使用以下指导方针提交内容以供在以下四个部分之一中考虑 Washington Lawyer:

I. Features

专题是提供对特定主题的全面讨论的长篇文章, person, or event. 专题报道通常包括对主题专家的多次采访, background research, and other supporting data.

Washington Lawyer 专题报道字数在1500至2500字之间,有不同的形式和风格,例如:

  • Informative articles
  • Q&As
  • Profile stories
  • Personal essays
  • Practice how-tos

文章应该展示主题或角度的独创性, significance of the subject matter, thorough analysis, clarity of discussion, practicality, and logical organization. 作者写的一个案件或事项,他们参与必须披露的信息在文章.

Washington Lawyer 强烈反对在专题报道中使用尾注. Cases, studies, reports, surveys, 其他的背景资料应该在文章的正文中引用.

特稿部分的撰稿人不必是澳门赌场官网或民主党的成员.C. 澳门赌场官网资格,但优先考虑澳门赌场官网资格会员或法律专业人士.

II. Taking the Stand

“Taking the Stand” — Washington Lawyer’s opinion section — is a forum for D.C. 有良好信誉的澳门赌场官网公会成员能够解决对他们来说很重要的问题,这将与他人相关. Typically between 900 to 2,000 words, 参赛作品必须符合以下编辑标准:

  • Accuracy
  • Originality and clarity
  • 从作者自己的专业知识或经验中得出的清晰的论点
  • 本专题与会员和更广泛的法律界的相关性
  • Verifiable supporting facts

尾注虽然是允许的,但应该谨慎而谨慎地使用,以提供额外的上下文. Endnotes should be concise and relevant.

III. Your Voice

The letters to the editor section of Washington Lawyer is open to D.C. Bar members in good standing. 信函应少于300字,并包括写信人的姓名, city/state, and contact information. 优先考虑对先前出版的材料作出回应的信件 Washington Lawyer.

Washington Lawyer 鼓励对来自不同声音的问题进行热烈和尊重的讨论. 诉诸人身攻击或使用辱骂或不礼貌语言的信件将不会发表. 信件必须经过事实检查和编辑,以确保准确性、清晰度和空间.

IV. Worth Reading

本节包括对最近出版的与法律有关的书籍的评论. A typical review is 1,150 words long, 为读者提供本书主题的总体感觉, and offers a fair critique of the work.

“值得一读”部分的撰稿人不一定是澳门赌场官网或民主党成员.C. 澳门赌场官网资格,但优先考虑澳门赌场官网资格会员或法律专业人士.

Copyright Notice
Material published in Washington Lawyer is the property of the D.C. Bar, 哪些可以通过其各种传播渠道推广和发布相同的内容, including email, e-newsletters, social media, and the Bar’s website.

Reprint and Permissions
Authors published in Washington Lawyer have the right to a perpetual, royalty-free, 全球许可使用他们的工作为自己的个人使用和促进他们的雇主, law firm, or law practice. 这种使用包括允许制作和分发作品的印刷或数字副本给朋友, colleagues, clients, 或在雇主或澳门赌场官网事务所的网站或社交媒体上发布,无需另行通知或获得司法部的批准.C. Bar, 但该副本须包含以下通知:“本文首次发表于[插入发行日期] Washington Lawyer. 经哥伦比亚特区澳门赌场官网协会许可转载.”

To republish their work in another publication, 作者必须事先获得fda的书面批准.C. 不过,只要后续发表是在原发表日期后90天以上. Reprint requests should be sent to [email protected].
