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27年来,D.C. residents who need a lawyer to represent them have sought help from the D.C. 酒吧公益中心的倡导 & 正义的诊所. The Clinic has placed thousands of cases with volunteer attorneys who have transformed their clients’ lives. Without the Clinic and our dedicated volunteers supported by 公益性服务 Center staff and expert mentors, 有影响家庭的法律问题的个人, 他们的家园, and their livelihoods would be left to navigate the court system and government agencies alone.  

Pro bono attorneys working on 住房 matters help people avoid eviction and improve their living conditions. Attorneys in family law matters help parents and other caregivers come to agreements that stabilize children’s lives. Volunteers in public benefits cases help people who are not able to work secure basic income benefits to which they are entitled.

COVID-19 has changed the way volunteers interact with clients, but the demand for help—often in desperate situations—remains. “Remote services have unfortunately virtually eliminated in-person interaction with clients,莉丝·亚当斯说, the 公益性服务 Center’s Director of Legal Services for Individuals & 家庭. “然而, remote service has allowed volunteers more flexibility in meeting with clients, 审查案件材料, 参加法庭听证会, and has also benefitted clients who don’t have to worry about transportation or childcare costs, 并能在大流行期间安全地呆在家里.”

的宣传 & 司法诊所为志愿者提供独特的支持. 中心工作人员管理所有入口, provide expert mentorship throughout the life of the case, 并提供家庭现场和点播培训, 住房, and public benefits so attorneys have even more access to support.

宣传 & 正义的诊所 volunteers can have a tremendous impact on the lives of individuals and their families:

Trinity* was living in a building with poor 住房 conditions, 包括没有修理过的破窗户, 模具, 虫害未得到治理, 还有一扇关不上的前门, which meant that strangers who did not live there entered the building and slept in the hallway. When she asked her landlord to make repairs, the landlord refused. When she sought the 公益性服务 Center’s help at the Landlord Tenant Resource Center, 我们把她的案子转给了辩护澳门赌场官网 & 正义的诊所. A volunteer attorney then counseled her on further legal proceedings and represented her in several court hearings when the landlord continued to resist making the necessary repairs. 最后, 房东让步了。, and Trinity’s pro bono attorney was able to negotiate an agreement between the parties. 案件结案了, ultimately resulting in abatement of the rent because of all the 住房 code violations and most importantly, 给三一学院一个安全的家.

For many District residents living on low-incomes, COVID-19 represents an economic catastrophe. With an expected flood of clients seeking representation after the moratoria on evictions and debt-collections end, the Center is optimistic that the newfound flexibility can make it easier for more attorneys to use their skills to help D.C. 请不起澳门赌场官网的居民.

If your law firm is looking for meaningful and manageable volunteer opportunities for its members and associates that can transform the lives of D.C. residents, please contact Associate Director Adrian Gottshall at (电子邮件保护).

Note: Federal government attorneys may also participate in the 宣传 & 正义的诊所 through the Federal Government 公益性服务 Program. 联系你.S. Department of Justice 公益性服务 Program Manager Laura Klein at (电子邮件保护) 开始吧.  






D.C. Judicial Nomination Commission is inviting comments from the bench, 酒吧, and public regarding the qualifications of nine candidates for the pending vacancy on D.C. 高等法院 created by the retirement of Judge Anita Josey-Herring.

D.C. 高等法院


高等法院 Order Allows CJCC to Access Juvenile Records

On September 6 the 高等法院 of the District of Columbia issued Administrative Order 24-12 authorizing the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) to inspect, 编译, and analyze data on criminal justice and juvenile justice systems so it can regularly publish aggregate data pursuant to DC Law 25-175.
